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Posts Tagged ‘price’

Dairy Farm Profits – Are they any better?

Monday, March 17th, 2008

A lot of dairy farmers are unsure as to whether they will actually be better off under the current pricing, allowing for the increases in costs. The main cost increases are seen in the “3 F’s” – Feed, Fertiliser and Fuel. Assuming that the milk price for most has increased by 7-8 pence per litre, returns have increased by an average of £560 per cow.

Costs have increased by £70 per tonne for feed, £150 per tonne for fertiliser and 40% for fuel. The combined effect of these cost increase is around £320 per cow or 4.3 pence per litre. For the average dairy farmer, there should therefore be an extra profit of £240 per cow, or 3.2 pence per litre.

Farming as a business

Monday, March 17th, 2008

A very good article in Farmer’s Guardian regarding the WiRE conference at Harper Adams, reminded me of a few salient points that we should all bare in mind!

  • For business analysis a pen, paper and calculator are all that are required
  • Understanding profit is essential
  • The results of your annual accounts should never be a surprise – you should have an idea what the answer will be
  • Spending more than you take in is not sustainable
  • Improving profit doesn’t mean necessarily working harder – it may mean selling for a better price, or spending less
  • Don’t be afraid of money, or your bank statement